signs of a female narcissist

7 Signs of a Female Narcissist: How to Spot Them Early

Curious about the world of female narcissists? What if charm hides manipulation and entitlement? Wondering why it’s tricky to spot female narcissists? Let’s find out together!

Narcissism affects both men and women, but signs of a female narcissist can be challenging to recognize. Female narcissists tend to be charming, manipulative, and feel entitled.

signs of a female narcissist meaning

This talk isn’t about stereotyping but about understanding how narcissistic traits can appear in women, making us more aware of various situations.

One of the signs of a female narcissist is self-centeredness. They tend to be obsessed with their appearance, status, and achievements. They believe that they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. They often talk about themselves and their accomplishments and rarely show interest in others.

Female narcissists lack empathy. They cannot understand or relate to other people’s feelings and emotions. They often use people for their benefit and discard them when they are no longer useful. They may also be manipulative and use guilt or fear to control others.

Understanding these signs can help you identify a female narcissist and protect yourself from their harmful behavior. In this article, we will discuss seven signs of a female narcissist that can help you identify these reactions.

7 Signs of a Female Narcissist

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition that falls within the Cluster B personality disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It is marked by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others, beginning in early adulthood and present in various contexts.

Individuals with NPD may have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, preoccupations with fantasies of unlimited success, a belief in their uniqueness, and a consistent need for excessive admiration.

They often struggle with interpersonal relationships due to difficulties in recognizing and understanding the feelings and perspectives of others.

freud study on signs of female narcissist

While narcissistic traits can be observed in individuals of any gender, the manifestation of these traits in females may differ in certain ways. Female narcissists may exhibit behaviors that align with societal expectations and gender roles, utilizing charm, manipulation, and vulnerability to achieve their goals.

A covert female narcissist is someone who has self-centered traits but keeps them hidden. Unlike those who openly seek attention, covert narcissists hide their self-centered actions by pretending to be humble or playing the victim.

Spotting them can be tricky because they don’t show off their arrogance like others might. To recognize them, it’s important to understand how they behave and interact with others.

Today, psychologist Jean Twenge suggests that cultural changes might influence how people express narcissistic traits across generations.

As an expert psychologist, I will help you understand the signs of a female narcissist in a clinical or personal context. Without any delay, let’s get into these signs.

infographics of 7 signs of a female narcissist

1-Excessive Need for Admiration

A female narcissist often has an insatiable need for admiration and attention from others. This need for constant validation can manifest in various ways and can be a major red flag in identifying a female narcissist.

An excessive need for admiration is a common trait among female narcissists. This can manifest in various ways, including constant approval-seeking and fishing for compliments.

Constant Approval Seeking

One of the ways a female narcissist seeks admiration is through constant approval seeking. They may try to impress others, even if it means exaggerating their accomplishments or skills. They may also constantly seek validation from others, asking for reassurance that they are doing well or liked.

This constant need for approval can be exhausting for those around them, as the narcissist may become demanding and manipulative in their pursuit of validation. They may also become angry or resentful if they feel they are not receiving the attention they believe they deserve.

Fishing for Compliments

other signs of a female narcissist include seeking admiration for compliments. They may make comments or statements designed to elicit praise or flattery from others.

For example, they may say something like, “I’m not sure if I look good in this outfit” to receive compliments on their appearance.

This behavior can be manipulative, as the narcissist may use compliments as a way to control others or boost their self-esteem. They may also become angry or upset if they do not receive the compliments they were hoping for.

It is important to be aware of these behaviors to identify and avoid toxic relationships with narcissistic individuals.

2-Lack of Empathy

When it comes to narcissistic personality disorder, a key characteristic is a lack of empathy. This means that individuals with this disorder have difficulty understanding and relating to the emotions and experiences of others.

Here, we’ll explore two specific signs of a female narcissist may show a lack of empathy.

Ignoring Others’ Needs

One way in which female narcissists may demonstrate a lack of empathy is by ignoring the needs of others.

An example of signs of a female narcissist, they show reluctance to lend a listening ear to a friend who is going through a tough time, instead choosing to focus solely on her own needs and desires.

This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as refusing to help someone in need, disregarding the feelings of others, or failing to take responsibility for their actions.

Inability to Recognize Others’ Feelings

Another way in which female narcissists may display a lack of empathy is by being unable to recognize the feelings of others. This can lead to a variety of problems in interpersonal relationships, as the narcissist may fail to understand why others are upset or hurt by their behavior.

For example, a female narcissist may make a hurtful comment to a friend or family member without realizing the impact it has on them or may dismiss someone’s feelings as unimportant or irrelevant.

By understanding the signs of a female narcissist, individuals can better protect themselves from the negative effects of this disorder.

3-Sense of Entitlement

A female narcissist often has a sense of entitlement that manifests in various ways. This entitlement can lead to unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment and exploitative behavior.

Unreasonable Expectations of Favorable Treatment

One of the prominent signs of a female narcissist is that may expect special treatment from others and become angry or upset if they do not receive it. This can include expecting others to cater to their needs, desires, and preferences without reciprocating.

They may also believe that they are entitled to certain privileges or resources simply because of who they are. For example: “I can’t believe you didn’t prioritize my plans; I deserve special treatment considering who I am.”

Exploitative Behavior

A female narcissist may exploit others to fulfill their own needs and desires. This can include using others for their gain, such as taking advantage of their generosity or resources. They may also manipulate others to get what they want, using charm or aggression to get their way.

It is important to recognize these signs and set healthy boundaries to protect oneself and take expert advice from being taken advantage of.

4-Manipulative Behaviors

Narcissistic women are known for their manipulative behaviors. They can be very cunning and use their charm and charisma to manipulate others to get what they want. They also create triangulation jealousy to manipulate their partner.

Here are some common manipulative behaviors that female narcissists display:

Gaslighting Tactics

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser makes the victim question their perception of reality. Narcissistic women often use gaslighting tactics to control their partners or family members.

female gaslighting to his partner

They may deny their behavior or twist the truth to make the victim doubt.

They may also use tactics like projection, where they accuse the victim of doing something they are guilty of.

Clever Use of Language

Narcissistic women are skilled at using language to manipulate others. They may use flattery, sarcasm, or backhanded compliments to make the victim feel inferior or unsure of themselves. They may also use language to twist the truth or make themselves look good.

For example, they may use tricks to downplay their negative behavior or use vague language to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. They may say “Wow, you’re pretty good at that, considering it’s not as tough as the things some of us have to handle.”

Narcissist trauma binds the victim by making it difficult for them to leave. Overall, it’s important to be aware of these signs of manipulative behaviors so you can recognize them and protect yourself from emotional abuse.

5-Need for Control

A female narcissist has an insatiable need for control in all aspects of her life. Their reactions become worse when they can’t control the victim. This need for control often manifests itself in two ways: dominance in relationships and decision-making impositions.

Dominance in Relationships

Female narcissists often display a need for dominance in their relationships. They seek to control their partner’s behavior, thoughts, and emotions. They may use manipulation tactics, such as guilt-tripping or gaslighting, to maintain control over their partner.

female narcissist showing dominance to partner

In addition, female narcissists may try to isolate their partner from friends and family, making it harder for them to seek support or help.

They may also try to control their partner’s finances or limit their access to resources.

Decision-Making Impositions

Another way female narcissists display their need for control is through decision-making impositions. They may make decisions without consulting their partner or may disregard their partner’s opinions and feelings altogether.

This can lead to a power imbalance in the relationship, with the female narcissist holding all the power and making all the decisions. It can also lead to feelings of resentment and frustration on the part of the partner, who may feel unheard and unimportant.

Overall, a female narcissist’s need for control can be damaging to her relationships and those around her. It is important to recognize the signs of a female narcissist and seek help if you or someone you know is in a relationship with one.

6-Envy and Competitiveness

Female narcissists are often driven by envy and competitiveness, which can manifest in various ways. Here are two common ways in which these traits may show up:

Resentment of Others’ Success

Female narcissists may feel resentful towards others who achieve success or recognition.

female narcissist shows anger

As a result, they may belittle or criticize others’ accomplishments, or even try to sabotage their success.

They may see others’ success as a threat to their self-esteem and sense of superiority.

Comparison with Others

Female narcissists are often preoccupied with comparing themselves to others. They may constantly seek validation and approval from others, and measure their worth based on how they stack up against others.

This can lead to a constant need to outdo others, and a tendency to view others as competition rather than as potential allies or friends.

Overall, envy and competitiveness are common traits of female narcissists. Being aware of these tendencies and the possible causes may help you recognize and avoid relationships with individuals who exhibit these traits.

7-Arrogance and Haughtiness

A female narcissist often displays an overwhelming sense of self-importance and arrogance. They believe that they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. This arrogance can manifest in various ways, including a dismissive attitude and a superiority complex.

Dismissive Attitude

narcissist female controlling colleague

One of the signs of a female narcissist is a dismissive attitude towards others. They tend to belittle people whom they consider inferior to them, including their partners, friends, and colleagues. They may criticize others for their appearance, intelligence, or social status, and show little empathy or concern for their feelings.

Superiority Complex

Another sign of a female narcissist is a superiority complex. They believe that they are better than others and deserve special treatment. They may demand attention and admiration from others and expect others to cater to their needs and desires. They may also be condescending towards others and believe that they are the only ones Who know what is best for them.

Arrogance and haughtiness are two common signs of a female narcissist. They may display a dismissive attitude towards others and a superiority complex, which can make it difficult to have a healthy relationship with them.

they become vulnerable when their self-image is being threatened and narcissistic collapse may occur. so, one should know the traits of female narcissists and how to handle them to maintain healthy relationships.


.As a therapist, I aim to help people become emotionally strong and build relationships with understanding and kindness. Spotting signs of a female narcissist involves noticing behaviors like wanting special treatment and telling exaggerated stories. It’s like they always want to be the main character in their own story, seeking attention all the time. Understanding these patterns can improve relationships. By realizing and understanding these signs, we can become more aware of ourselves and show more empathy towards others.


  • Green A, MacLean R, Charles K. Female Narcissism: Assessment, Aetiology, and Behavioural Manifestations. Psychol Rep. 2022 Dec;125(6):2833-2864. doi: 10.1177/00332941211027322. Epub 2021 Jun 22. PMID: 34154472; PMCID: PMC9578082.
  • Freud S. (1914/1957). On narcissism: An introduction. In Strachey J. (Ed. and Trans.), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (pp. 67–104). Hogarth Press. 

Frequently asked questions

How does a female narcissist act?

A female narcissist displays behaviors like seeking special treatment, telling exaggerated stories, and constantly craving attention.

What is the one question to identify a narcissist?

While no single question guarantees identification, asking about their ability to empathize can reveal narcissistic tendencies.

What upsets a female narcissist?

Criticism, rejection, and challenges to their perceived superiority can upset a female narcissist, leading to defensive or angry reactions.

what are the Signs of a female covert narcissist?

Signs include a victim mentality, sensitivity to criticism, hidden grandiosity, passive-aggressive behavior, and a lack of genuine empathy.

what are the signs of an aging female narcissist?

As a female narcissist ages, she may struggle with the natural aging process, seeking external validation and maintaining a youthful appearance.

What turns on a narcissistic woman?

Narcissists are drawn to admiration and attention; anything that reinforces their perceived superiority, such as compliments, can be appealing.

what are the Female narcissist tactics?

Tactics include gaslighting, manipulation, emotional blackmail, and playing the victim to control and dominate relationships.

How to deal with a female narcissist?

Effective strategies include setting boundaries, staying calm, seeking support, prioritizing self-care, and considering professional help if the relationship becomes toxic.

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