How to help a narcissist heal

How to help a narcissist heal

Narcissism is often misunderstood, leading to confusion and frustration in relationships. At its core, narcissism can be seen as a defence mechanism, where individuals develop an inflated sense of self-importance to shield themselves from feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability.

How to help a narcissist heal

This article explores how to help a narcissist heal, focusing on practical strategies and insights that can foster positive change.

How to help a narcissist heal | 15 Ways

Helping a narcissist heal is a challenging but potentially rewarding process that requires patience, empathy, and a willingness to set clear boundaries.

While narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a lifelong condition, individuals with narcissistic traits can learn to manage their symptoms and develop healthier relationships through professional help and personal growth.

1. Encourage Professional Therapy

Suggest that the narcissist seek therapy with a professional who specializes in personality disorders. Individual therapy can help them explore their thoughts and emotions, while couples therapy can address relationship dynamics.

2. Set Clear Boundaries

Establish firm boundaries regarding acceptable behaviour. Communicate these boundaries clearly and consistently to protect your well-being.

3. Cultivate Empathy

Help the narcissist develop empathy by encouraging them to reflect on how their actions affect others. This can be facilitated through guided discussions or therapeutic exercises.

4. Promote Self-Reflection

Encourage the narcissist to engage in self-reflection, perhaps through journaling or mindfulness practices, to help them understand their motivations and behaviours.

5. Communicate Openly

Use “I” statements to express your feelings about their behaviour. This can help them understand the impact of their actions without feeling attacked.

6. Validate Their Feelings

Acknowledge their emotions without condoning their behaviour. This can help disarm defensiveness and open up lines of communication.

7. Encourage Accountability

Hold the narcissist accountable for their actions. If they cross boundaries, calmly remind them of the consequences and encourage them to take responsibility.

READ: Breaking Free: Deprogramming After Narcissistic Abuse

8. Model Healthy Behavior

Demonstrate healthy emotional responses and coping strategies. This can serve as a guide for the narcissist to learn from your example.

9. Foster a Supportive Environment

Create a safe space for the narcissist to express themselves without fear of judgment. This can encourage openness and honesty.

10. Challenge Distorted Beliefs

Gently challenge their distorted beliefs about themselves and others. This can help them gain a more realistic perspective.

11. Encourage Healthy Relationships

Support the narcissist in building relationships outside of your own. This can provide them with different perspectives and reduce dependency on one person.

12. Recognize Triggers

Help the narcissist identify their triggers and work on coping strategies to manage their reactions. This can lead to healthier responses in challenging situations.

13. Be Patient

Understand that healing takes time. Be patient with the process how to help a narcissist heal and recognize that setbacks may occur.

14. Educate Yourself

How to help a narcissist heal by learning more about narcissism and its effects. Understanding the condition can help you handle your interactions more effectively.

15. Know When to Step Back

How to help a narcissist heal can be done if the narcissist shows no willingness to change or seek help, it may be necessary to distance yourself for your mental health. Prioritize your well-being above all.

By employing these strategies, you can support a narcissist in their healing journey while also maintaining their emotional health. Change is possible, but it requires commitment and effort from both parties.

READ: The 21 Stages of a Narcissistic Relationship

Recognizing Narcissistic Traits

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. However, not all individuals displaying narcissistic traits have NPD.

Many people exhibit narcissistic behaviours without meeting the full criteria for the disorder. Understanding the spectrum of narcissism is crucial for anyone looking to help a loved one heal.

A significant aspect of helping a narcissist heal is recognizing that change often occurs after a breakdown. This breakdown can manifest as a crisis or a moment of realization when the individual recognizes the impact of their behaviour on themselves and others.

Encouraging a narcissist to confront their issues requires patience and often involves setting firm boundaries.

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Establishing what behaviors are unacceptable is vital. This not only protects you but also helps the narcissist understand the consequences of their actions.
  • Communicate Effectively: Use “I” statements to express how their behaviour affects you. For example, saying “I feel hurt when you dismiss my feelings” is less aggressive than “You always dismiss my feelings.”

READ: Fragile Narcissism: 10 Alarming Traits

Encouraging Professional Help

Professional therapy is a cornerstone in the healing process for narcissists.

  • Individual Therapy: This allows the narcissist to explore their thoughts, emotions, and past experiences contributing to their behaviour. A therapist can help them understand their motivations and develop healthier coping mechanisms.
  • Couples Therapy: Involving a partner in therapy can enhance communication and rebuild trust. It creates a safe space for individuals to express their feelings and work on relationship dynamics.

READ: Online Therapy for Narcissist

Cultivating Empathy

Empathy is often lacking in individuals with narcissistic traits, but it can be developed through therapy and self-reflection.

  • Therapeutic Techniques: Therapists can employ various techniques to help narcissists understand the feelings of others. This might include role-playing exercises or guided discussions about the impact of their actions.
  • Encourage Self-Reflection: Encourage the narcissist to reflect on their behaviour and its effects on others. Journaling can be a useful tool for this purpose, allowing them to process their thoughts and feelings.

Speaking Truth

Honest communication is essential in supporting a narcissist’s healing.

  • Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer feedback on their behaviour in a non-threatening way. This can help them see the consequences of their actions without feeling attacked.
  • Challenge Distorted Beliefs: Narcissists often hold distorted beliefs about themselves and others. Gently challenging these beliefs can encourage them to rethink their perspectives.

Building a Support Network

Supporting a narcissist in their healing journey can be emotionally taxing. Building a strong support network for yourself is equally important. How to help a narcissist heal can be done this way.

  • Seek Support for Yourself: Engage with friends, family, or support groups who understand the challenges of dealing with narcissism. This will help you maintain your well-being while supporting your loved one.
  • Encourage Healthy Relationships: Encourage the narcissist to build relationships outside of the primary relationship. This can provide them with different perspectives and reduce dependency on one individual.

READ: narcissistic personality disorder supportive therapy

The Role of Medication

How to help a narcissist heal with medications. While there are no medications specifically for narcissistic personality disorder, individuals may benefit from medications that address co-occurring issues such as anxiety or depression.

  • Consult a Psychiatrist: If the narcissist is experiencing significant distress, a psychiatrist can evaluate whether medication might help manage symptoms.

Recognizing When to Step Back

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a narcissist may not be ready or willing to change. It is essential to recognize when to step back for your mental health.

  • Assess the Relationship: Regularly evaluate the health of your relationship. If interactions are consistently harmful, it may be necessary to reconsider the dynamics.
  • Know When to Walk Away: If the narcissist shows no willingness to seek help or change, it may be best to distance yourself. Your well-being should be a priority.


Helping a narcissist heal is a challenging but potentially rewarding journey. It requires a combination of setting boundaries, encouraging professional help, cultivating empathy, and maintaining open communication.

While change is possible, it is essential to recognize that healing takes time and effort from both parties. By understanding the complexities of narcissism and employing effective strategies, you can support a loved one on their path to healing while also protecting your emotional well-being.

How to help a narcissist heal is a difficult journey but with patience and commitment, positive transformation can occur.


Is there a way to heal a narcissist?

While complete healing may be challenging, therapy can help a narcissist develop healthier behaviors and coping mechanisms.

How to help a narcissist heal?

Encouraging them to seek professional therapy is the most effective way to help a narcissist.

Can a narcissist ever be helped?

Yes, with consistent professional therapy and a strong support system, a narcissist can improve their behavior.

How to calm a narcissist down?

Staying calm, setting clear boundaries, and avoiding confrontational language can help diffuse tension with a narcissist.

How to help a narcissistic husband?

Encourage open communication, set boundaries, and suggest couples therapy to address underlying issues together.

How I cured my narcissism?

Personal stories of overcoming narcissism often involve long-term therapy, self-awareness, and a commitment to change.

How to take control away from a narcissist?

Set firm boundaries, maintain independence, and seek support from others to reduce a narcissist’s control over you.

How to help a narcissistic child?

Provide consistent boundaries, encourage empathy, and seek guidance from a child psychologist or therapist.

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